
Software Skills for Success

03 May 2023

During the Spring 2023 semester, I took my first software engineering course. Through this course, I was able to learn a variety of software engineering skills, however, it was not easy. After numerous hours of practicing using in-class practice WODs,...

Software Engineering Coding Standards Agile Project Management IDPM IDEs

Building Code Brick by Brick

26 Apr 2023

Legos? Once you begin to program, it can often feel like you’re playing with a bunch of Legos. Legos can be described as standardized blocks that can be combined using a simple, yet effective set of instructions to create various...

Design Patterns Efficient Programming Techniques

Behind the Screens

22 Feb 2023

My Prior Experience Prior to this course, I had no experience doing any sort of web design. While getting a general idea of how many people had experience with HTML and CSS, I was one of the few who sat...

UI Frameworks HTML CSS Bootstrap 5 Web Design

Am I Doing It for Myself or Just for the Green Checkmark?

07 Feb 2023

Coding Standard Crazy “Why does your code look like that?” This question is often posed by people who believe in “coding standards.” Cough cough, I’m one of them. I think that “coding standards” help improve the quality and understanding of...

JavaScript ESLint Coding Standards

Smart Questions Save the Day

26 Jan 2023

Am I a Smart Question Asker? As software engineers, we are expected to constantly think and solve problems. With this expectation, it comes as no surprise that we are expected to be good question-askers, however, this skill is not taught...

Questions Answers StackOverflow

A Newbie's Adventure in the World of JavaScript

18 Jan 2023

My Learning Experience In just the first week of the semester, I learned so much in ICS 314 alone. During the first weekend, I explored the basics of JavaScript and ES6 using freeCodeCamp. As a complete newbie to JavaScript, I...

Coding JavaScript

Switching to Software Engineering

17 Jan 2023

Lost in the Infinite Amount of Possibilities “And submit.” I stared at the computer screen which would decide not only where I would continue my education but also how I would spend the rest of my life. Leading up to...

Software Engineering Career Young professional